A Word for 2021

A few years ago, I heard about creating a Word of the Year and decided to try it for myself and with my students. I told my students about the idea of choosing a word of the year and that we would have a day to sit alone, reflect/plan, drink hot chocolate, and choose a personal word of the year. My students loved this type of New Year’s goal setting and were so excited to tell me about how they decided on their word. I wanted to provide an opportunity for my students to set goals for the big picture of the year so that their daily habits would shift to reflect those goals. To them, choosing one word was tangible, focused, and meaningful.

Instead of making New Year’s Resolutions this year, what if we chose one word as a guide for the year?

I encourage you spend some time today seeking God for a word He would like to use this year to produce growth and fruit in your life. This word would be a focus word that you would use as a filter for the decisions you make and daily habits you begin. How can you make your word biblically based? Find a Bible verse to root your word in as a theme for this year.

I’d love to hear the word that you chose for 2021! Feel free to add a comment or send me a private message with your word and how you chose it.

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Anna Lange lives in Alabama where she spends her time going to the beach, camping, and sipping chai lattes at coffee shops. Her work and passion is to come alongside women and young ladies to encourage them. She loves to travel and share at conferences and churches.